Please read the page all the way to the bottom.
​​​​​​​YOU MUST MARK YOUR PAYMENT WITH YOUR CALLSIGN                                    Make sure all bank transfer fees (alle omkostninger,kostnader) are paid by you. 
Complete package: full weekend (two nights) in double room with all meals included (bbq, 2 x breakfast, lunch and Saturday dinner = 2200,-
Same package in single room = 2500,-
Bed linens (only if you don't bring your own)  = 150,-
Room only = 600,- pr night
BBQ only = 200,-
2 x breakfast + lunch = 500,-
Lunch only (Saturday) = 250,-
Dinner Saturday = 500,-
Payment to
Bank: Eidsberg sparebank
Account : 10203566552
IBAN : NO7910203566552
Account name: VHF2025
Account owner: Bent Brian Velling
                       Johan Selmer Karlsens vei 20
                       1624 Gressvik
GREAT NEWS Vipps is now working if you want to pay for your booking this way. If you want to use Vipps it is VERY important that you mark your payment with CALLSIGN etc etc. Onsite payments (beverages etc.) is ok with only your callsign. 
For Vipps payment please scan the QR code below. 
​​​​​​​Your complete order/booking must be paid in full no later than 30/04-2025
Make sure all bank transfer fees are paid by you.    
​​​​​​​YOU MUST MARK YOUR PAYMENT WITH YOUR CALLSIGN and if possible also what you are paying for (dinner, all food, complete package etc etc.

For all sales during the meeting (for beverages, drop in lunch etc) you can pay either with card or vipps. If you for some reason has lost your card and dont have access to vipps, we can accept coins. Exchange rate is 1Nkr-1Dkr/Skr. No Euros. No local bank will exchange coins any longer so please try to use card or vipps.
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